Jommy x Itoooo (おかえり!!!) I'm happy to see these familiar faces...
Taka (Hectic) x Bingo (Mackdaddy)
oh what!?
Tsuyoshi and his twin brother. heheh
mayu (80z kids) x Kyoko (xxx)
Ayumu x Yuki New era x Nike
sooo happy to see Saki!!!
maneater Sayaka will be participating in the IPOD come root for her!!!!
MaちゃんxMASAxItoooooo my 3 tequilla boys?!
Live from Beijing!! great great great IDEA!!
イケメン heheh
maちゃん x RUI (weSC)
Lauren FINALLY arrives Emi x Naho
i heart rich x sabotage
we heart diesel and mr. kanamoto
it's like zoolander's phone!
SHUN! back from hollywood!!
man these fried stick thingies were really gooood!
the globe thingy that everyone was asleep in
Sarah x Izumiさん
Is it Banno!?
2 many DJS!!!
i heart maar (dexpistols)
we heart vip
so funny
Sachiko x Elli
i heart TKO!
Yan x Kango x mmm...
i heart Naho and her funny poses!!
the nice bartender who gave us free drinks
GOOD JOB DIESEL!! Way to celebrate your 30th anniversary!!! wow!! I'm older than diesel!?!?!? Man I had way too much fun at this party. There were 3 different stages but I spent most of my time at VIP where there were unlimited drinks. It was awesome!! Wish Wendy was able to party here with me!!!!!!!! has taken me a few days to recover..but good memories...great great memories......
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