I'm even in the table of contents!!!! so excited!! hehe
Here it is!! I would scan the pages but I actually recommend you to go pick up a copy so that you can take your time and read it all!! I was so honored to be invited to do this project!!! I was actually in LA when it was decided so I flew back for a week to attend all of the events then flew back to LA straight after for my wedding!! That was my determination to do this! hehe I kind of feel like these 2 pages show how my blog is...My party reports finally mean something! hehe Anyhow, I want to say thank you to Fujitaさん for believing in me, and all my friends who were at the events and allowed me to take 'fashion snaps' of them. As you might not know, I'm not used to taking people's 'fashion snaps'...I can see how difficult it is!! Well, I just wanted to share this and hope you all pick up your copy of GINZA MAGAZINE now. It's actually a pretty fun issue and I love how they've renewed their magazine!
みんな〜今月のGINZA MAGAZINEの中でマイの事を2ペ−ジ特集してくれたよ!良かったら見てください!!FUJITAさん、マイの事を誘ってくれたありがとう!!!GINZA MAGAZINEはすごいかっこいいから嬉しかった!