Here are our best memories of 2013.. enjoy!
Baby Zooey's 1st Chinese New Year..
I became a WWDMAGIC official Blogger ♥
I returned to Tokyo...
family life..
attended events
Cobrasnake came for Joyrich's 3rd anniversary
we became good friends with the GAP team
Japan Fashion Week
BABY ZOOEY turned 1!!!!!!

Zooey started Nursery School.. It was the best best best experience ever!!!
blogger events...
Philip came to Tokyo
another best! When Zooey got to meet Humberto & Carol and CHLOE SEVIGNY!!!!
We went to Taiwan with LEON ♥
Zooey met her new #hotbabysitter
I was invited to blog for WWDMAGIC again ♥
Photoshoot with Rowan ♥
Palm Springs with Rowan♥
I met Baz Lurmann at the Prada event
fashion week came around again..Zooey sat front row.. hehe
Susie, Tommy and Phil♥
Alexander Wang opened his first flag ship
Zooey and Halloween..
Trip and Kenny got married.
I was on J-WAVE
Michael Kors and Miranda Kerr had a party

Furla had a party
We were in Leslie Kee's new SUPER LOVE book.
and then we had to say farwell...
Dear Readers,
I tried my best to get this post up by midnight, but I had so much to say and that was impossible. Anyhow, so much has happened this year. Zooey and I went back and forth to LA a few times and our family had to make a decision about Zooey's future. As much as I love Tokyo and had SO MUCH FUN in the past 8.5 years...I felt it was time for us to relocate. As you can see from my blog posts, it has been difficult to keep up with all the parties like I used to and it's been a struggle for me to accept that I was no longer as flexible as before. You might be thinking..BUT YOU STILL GO OUT A LOT!!! lol and to answer that.. I'll say, 'I tried my best!'
But truth be told, I am a MOTHER, and my priority is baby Zooey. She is growing up so fast and I need to spend as much time with her as I can now, and focus on her before I can report about being a party animal again. Just Kidding. I think my party animal days are unfortunately over, but I have a few plans and new projects in the works..So I hope you will all still support me.
We are currently back in LA but I still plan to return to Tokyo for work and special projects. I will continue to update about relevant things from Tokyo as well as introduce brands that I discover here in LA. I also plan to continue to attend exclusive events and concerts, visit showrooms, and report about those the best I can. I have a strong feeling that things are done totally differently here than Tokyo. It will be interesting to see the difference.
Anypoo, Thank you everyone again for your support. I want to say Thank You to all my friends and readers in Tokyo as well. I didn't get to properly say good-bye to everyone, but I know that our paths will cross again soon. 2014.. Bring IT!
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