
Monday, April 18, 2011

i heart shoes & bags

The things I ordered from S/S2011 exhibitions are coming in now!!!! So excited! I ordered these platforms from Jill by Jill Stuart.  Aren't they soo cute! My feet are really small (22.5-23cm) the shoes actually look super tiny..But they make me look SUPER tall!  I can't wait to wear these with sundresses! Spring here I come!!  I want to try wearing them with baby doll white socks too!
This FURLA candy bag caught my eye recently.  I first noticed it when my friend Minako who is a freelance editor had an ORANGE one...I reallly LOVED the shape of this bag!!! Then the other day my friend KANA posted a photo of her NEON GREEN one...OMG...I just had to get it!! I usually don't like to buy things that I've seen other people wear / have ..but this bag was a MUST HAVE!  Tho I would have preferred the HOT PINK color (which was already sold out) was between this one, orange and since I haven't seen anyone with this one..I went with it!! Also, the staff at the omotesando store had recognized me and mentioned that she had seen my blog before...I was so happy that I just had to buy this bag on the spot. I'm such a sucker!!  I think if I ever see a hot pink one of this bag I will probably buy it too!  石井さんありがとうございました!!! I love the staff at the Omotesando store!!! このバッグすごい可愛いよ!!!!!My friend also mentioned that it would be GREAT for the rainy season!! Who figured!!!! やばい!わー嬉しい!
and by the way..
APRIL 19th (TUES) is the last day of all the VOGUE meets ISETAN! part 13
window displays!!!
if you haven't gone yet...tomorrow is your last chance!!


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