
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Hello 2022

 Whoops! It's really been a while since I updated this thing. Every time I sit down to write something, I get interrupted by the mom things.. and I never come back to it. This post was actually drafted on January 28th..almost a month ago! I was really trying to write this post before Lunar New Year but here we are lol. 


A lot has happened since I last posted and life is really different now. We've been in the middle of a pandemic since March 2020. WOW, almost 2 years ago, the world shut down. The last big event that we remember attending was the world premiere of MULAN. I remember they had hand sanitizer stations...but no one wore masks yet. Now, masks are the norm. At least for us still. We hesitate when we are invited to in person events now. Are they requiring covid tests? There are so many safety things to think about now. But it seems like things are getting better... or so I hope...

Zooey has grown up A LOT. She'll be TEN in a month! TEN!!! I can't believe it. She's still doing great in school. Work has definitely slowed down but she still works here and there. She filmed one national commercial last summer that aired at the beginning of 2021. Watch it here. Print jobs have slowed down for her...but she shot with Zappos which was fun because they had a whole garage band theme.

 Zooey actually filmed her first movie on my birthday last year (2/18/2021)! The release is supposed to be this year but it's been pushed to summer so I'll be sure to update and share more when we can. It was a really tiny role but supposedly pretty important! It would be so rad if she was in the trailer! All we can do is manifest right? heehee 

Zooey also launched a collection last year with Sweet Threads called Brunch with Zooey
You can see it here

Disneyland was closed for a while but they launched something called Magic Keys that are basically annual passes. A new variant called Omicron emerged at the beginning of this year so I haven't been able to take the girls this year yet, but HOPEFULLY soon!

Updates about Amelie...well, she's now 5! She plays the drums and is hella spunky.. 
You can follow her updates on @maisassygirl or hashtag #ohayoamelie but here is the most recent REEL of her being silly and a REEL of her being random hehe

Lastly, I'm participating in the digital Mama's Making It again this year on Tuesday March 8th. 

I want to interact more with you guys...if you have any questions or want me to write more about something let me know! I'm actually thinking to give more advice on how I'm managing my children's careers in the Entertainment Industry. I love consulting in social media but it's changed so much, especially since the pandemic and the growth of Tik Tok.