
Thursday, March 26, 2015


I feel horrible that this post is coming over 1 month late!!!! I'm sorry Jac! It's been a hectic month, with Zooey's birthday happening yesterday, me figuring out my work stuff..being full time working mom is NOT easy. I respect all your working moms out there and give you all a virtual hug for having the strength to even read this blog post! Anyhow, this will be my final update from #WWDMAGIC.  The minute I got introduced to this brand JAC VANEK, I immediately fell in love with it and HER! She's a genius. That's all. Now scroll away to see her new collection>>>>>>>>>>> 

I NEED this cream colored bag. Being a mom means I'm also a walking BAG LADY. 

HA!!! So...true. 
I say all my single girls need this. 

too much fun...

Then we went upstairs to the suite to see Capture by Hollywoodmade..

The thing about this brand, is that they are all photos that Nina takes..
I love her photos!

Attending WWDMAGIC as an official blogger is always a busy task, but I have so much fun because I get to see friends in the Fashion Industry.  Unlike Tokyo, where each brand does their own press preview, it's like 2 times out of the year where everyone from around the world fly in to roam the halls. Because I brought Zooey this time, it was a lot more hectic but she had a lot of fun meeting new people and we discovered so many new brands. As I've mentioned before, I'm trying to get into promoting more mini-style, things that I would want Zooey to wear..but I still love discovering brands for me as well. I haven't found the perfect Mommy & Me brand yet...We don't dress Too High Fashion so that won't work for us. I found the perfect mommy & me shoe brand tho..  Maybe it's time for hubby to start designing clothes for us? What do you think? 


Sunday, March 22, 2015


Meet Tommy from My Belonging

Since moving back here I've met my handful of LA bloggers, but only a few of them really stood out and seemed to be doing really cool creative collaborations + projects.  Tommy is one of them.  I have so much respect for this guy!  I attended the launch party of his collaboration with a brand called Kao Pao Shu the other week.  The clothing from this brand has some pretty edgy designs, one that I felt I would totally see fit in Tokyo- and when I looked at the website to see if they had shops there, they most certainly DO! They are in ISETAN! Amazing. 

ロスに戻ったらいっぱいブロガーたちにあったけど、そんなにユニークでぶっ飛んだブロガーにはあっていなかったけどトミーがすごかった。自分ですごく頑張ってる、いろんなコラボとかやっててびっくりしました!こないだトミーが自分のバッグブランドのコラボのローンチパーティに誘われて、KAO PAO SHUっていうのブランドを紹介された。はじめてみたら、日本に似合うのブランドかなおもって、サイトをみたら、やっぱり伊勢丹とかいっぱいのデパートで売れるの!! 服のデザインがかっこい!バッグは面白いけど。。(クラッチが一番すき)

My Favorite Item!

I'm so happy that Mayu is here.  She goes to all the events with me just like the Tokyo Days.  

Congrats Tommy!

more info:
