
Thursday, September 10, 2015


I can't believe that it's already September. Summer flew by SO fast. I can't even remember what I did yesterday because of this mom brain (yes it's real!) but I do remember going to Disneyland a lot with Zooey.  
 Investing in a premium annual pass is the best decision that I have ever made!!! When we don't have any plans, I just take Z to Disneyland.. Isn't she a lucky girl.

Now, back to reality. Motherhood. Motherhood is HARD. Fun, but HARD.
Do you ever watch your child sleep and wonder to yourself, wow, I made that little person and he/she is growing into a little mini me. But, am I doing enough? Shoot, I didn't have time to read to her last night, am I a terrible mother? She didn't eat any veggies for dinner and only ate the rice and she getting all the required vitamins and nutrients!? 

I constantly feel guilty about things that I can't control. I applaud the moms who are on a routine and schedule.   It's impossible for me to get Zooey to bed at a reasonable hour (is it 8pm these days?) but she does sleep until 8:30-9:00AM and takes 2-3 hour Naps in the middle of the day when she's not at school. Note: I've chosen not to have a 9-5 job because I find happiness in doing freelance PR / Social Media for clients that I love, which means my working hours are kind of all over the place and I'm kind of on the computer and my phone a lot..But this problem is under control and when Zooey calls for me, I go to her as quickly as I can. the end of the night before I go to bed...I still contemplate about the day..

Am I doing Motherhood wrong? 
What did I not do today that I should have done?
I'll try better tomorrow I say...

 What I've learned about Zooey is this...

Her vocabulary is growing. She can speak Japanese, Vietnamese and English. She will automatically speak to you in the language that she knows you speak. If she accidentally says something in Japanese and you give her that 'huh?' She will say it in English. 

She can use chopsticks while eating rice.

She loves to draw and is drawing shapes and is still trying to perfect her Minnie Mouse.

She's well behaved (unless we sit somewhere for way too long)

She LOVES to sing. She can listen to a song once and can sing along to it when she hears it again. 
She likes to sing pop songs which might have some inappropriate lyrics. 
She sometimes closes her eyes when she sings and is really into it. 

She has passed me in Instagram followers.

She understands when she has a photo shoot and totally performs.

She just learned how to ride a scooter. She has already mastered her bicycle with training wheels.

She's very thoughtful and will help you when she can. 

 This face!! When I look at her and when she tells me she loves me my heart just melts!
So, I am not raising her exactly by the book, but she seems to be doing just fine. I sometimes have to take a step back and tell myself to stop being so hard on myself. If you're thinking how I'm thinking, then you're doing just fine too!! You're trying the best that you can to keep your child above water and that's all that matters! Stop comparing yourself to other moms. You're amazing. Now go tell your child you love them and give them a kiss.

 On another note, I started a hashtag series with my friend Julia of AVGVSTA for Zooey and her daughter LALA..If you haven't already seen it click here ---> #zooeyandlala
Anyhow, I just wanted to touch base because I haven't posted since Playground. I've become a horrible blogger too (but Zooey hasn't! Check her blog here: Zooey In The City)


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