
Friday, August 31, 2012


 she's taking a picture with her ipad. hehe

YABAIII I wanted takoyaki too but it was all out!!!

 caco mama gang ♥

I stopped by a few events the other day with baby zooey...and ended up at Sacai's 1st year anniversary. It was a matsuri theme so there were lots of games and activities going on.  Because I was carrying baby zooey along with our belongings..I didn't have enough hands to participate.  I love taking baby zooey with me to all the events but realize that it's a little hard to really enjoy the event with everyone..and I'm sorry to everyone that I run into these days that I can't make time to have conversations with!!! This event was super well thought out and it was perfect for the end of the summer.  I did wish that I attended earlier rather than later.. Happy 1st Year Anniversary Sacai!!!

一昨日色なイベントにいて、最後でSACAIの1周年のパーティに行ってきました。今回は祭りテーマで、すごい面白かった!いっぱいゲームがあったけど、赤ちゃんと荷物があって、あんまりやってなかった残念!HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SACAI!!


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