
Sunday, August 12, 2012


 Zooey's first Fireworks 
(actually we were in the states for 4th of July but she was tooooo little to participate)
 this is where we watched the tokyo bay fireworks..
amazing view right?
 looking down..look at ALL THOSE PEOPLE!
 dinner party at the mizuno's inside ♥
shaved ice!!!! hehe

 i figured out the firework fxn on my ricoh

 カロリナ was sooooo good with zooey!!♥

 sooooooo many people outside!!

There is always so excitement over fireworks every year in Tokyo... I was happy to be able to come back to Tokyo just in time for this.  Thank you to the Mizuno's for hosting a wonderful home party!  Recently I'm trying to balance life with baby...and haven't quite settled down yet..I hope by next month things sort of go back to how it was, or that I can find my balance..........Motherhood is not easy...and returning to Tokyo, hoping that things would be how they were when I left is NOT at all how I hoped it would be.  I will be honest, I really thought that I could continue to do what I do, with baby.. but it's really really tough being a working mom in Tokyo..especially doing what I do.  I'm not putting baby in day care right now.. I just feel so guilty about it...Anyway..頑張らないと! I gotta keep hanging on!


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