
Friday, March 16, 2012


HELLO EVERYONE! SO..I'm about 37.5 weeks pregnant now... and this is how big my belly is..HEHE I guess if I wore a tighter shirt you can see more clearly how big I am at the moment..but that's not really my style right? My tummy is about 107 cm in diameter (measured today..) and baby weights about 6 lbs 2 oz already!! so crazy right!?!? My friend & sister hosted a baby shower for me last weekend and you can see the photos from that day here: MAI BABY SHOWER I can't believe the day is coming soon...the day where I will enter motherhood FOR REALS.. I'm so excited!!!!!!  I've been updating my little things about my maternity days on my ULTRABLOGGERS BLOG but am still trying to keep this blog alive..not partying but..sharing little things here and there. I know I am missing out on SO MUCH in TOKYO..I had to cancel so many bookings & postponed some projects before I left to come back to California..Seems like the party season is kicking back up again...but I will be back soon..I hope that bringing baby along won't be too much of a buzz kill. hehe Unless HUBBY will agree to be MR. MOM on those days right?  Gosh I can't wait to meet my baby and can't wait to bring her back to TOKYO and have her meet all of you tooooo!!

Photos by Josh Madson


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