
Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I know this movie came out a while ago but I was always curious about it.  I heard my MILO has been obsessed with it so I had to watch it so that I can have fun conversations with him.  hehe CARS 1 was pretty cute and a pretty good 'life lesson' type of movie for kids.  The jokes are pretty funny and the ending of the movie leaves you feeling like 'awww friendship is awesome & life is much more beautiful with FRIENDS.'  If you are looking for a cute movie to rent for the holidays..I recommend CARS.  

CARS 2 is SOOOOO FUNNY! It has the 'james bond' kind of story and I LOVE how they travel to TOKYO...and how everything is technologically advanced! haha My favorite scene was when Mater goes into the Japanese bathroom.  I started to feel that MATER was annoying but knew that in the end he would come out a HERO.  I hope I didn't give too much away.  I would watch CARS 1 before watching the sequel.  There are so many new characters so it helps to know who the original ones are.  I definately recommend this movie too!


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