
Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Hello All, I am FINALLY back in Tokyo... and I deeply apologize for the lack of updates...I went to Orange County to have my wedding and it was quite busy there with the IN-LAWS in town, last minute planning and etc...Above is a sneak peak of how everything went...My parents planned my entire wedding since I was so busy in Tokyo, so it was a traditional Vietnamese Wedding ceremony with a hint of Japanese Tradition as well.  I wasn't able to invite a lot of friends but so happy & grateful for the ones that did make it (especially ERROLSON who flew over all the way from Germany!!!) .  My ceremony and dinner reception was filled with about 100 family members so it was super hectic and fun at the same time.  To be honest I didn't even want a wedding ceremony in the first place, but I'm really glad that I had one because it really brought my family together and we now have amazing memories and fun stories talk about forever. I will plan a Wedding Party in Tokyo soon...It's not decided yet because I'm super beat and tired from this entire month!  It's so good to be back in Tokyo and my schedule has already filled up with events to cover starting from tonight!!!!! so stay tuned! First up tonight..REETHYM OF LITE LAUNCH PARTY!

みんなさま!すごい久しぶりにupdateしなかった本当にすみません!先週orange countyでマイと良太の結婚式があって、すごい忙しくてあんまりinternetの時間がなかった!!私たちの結婚式はけっこう面白くていい思い出が出来ました!!すごい幸せです!!!!ちょっと日本語忘れたけどこれから日本でもっと頑張る!今夜からいっぱいイベントがあって、パーティリポートのは頑張ります!


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