
Sunday, June 12, 2011


Shingoさん and I wanted to find a new cafe to try and discovered this place (same group as Good Morning Cafe) ..the outdoor seating was kind of cool..the view could have been better but the trees made us feel like we were in LA.  The architecture was very LA like.. somewhere that hipster's 'would' go..

 salad (forgot the name) was .. so so .. 
 Every dessert we ordered was sold in the end we got these 2 things..

This space was actually really nice..i would have taken photos of the entire cafe but it was super crowded and I didnt want to disturb the customers.  It was quite おしゃれ in a sense...

Before I go into this post more deeply, let me explain that I adjusted the widths of my blog design a bit so that I could make my photos BIGGER! I hope that it's alright..hehe Blogspot seems to also have updated something where if you try to update an old will end up as your most recent post instead of where and when it was originally written..I couldn't be bothered to changed all of my photos.... Anyhow..I wouldn't mind coming back to this restaurant was quite far..but we went by car so it wasn't too bad.  To find more info please click here: RIVERSIDE CAFE


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