
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I know this is a few days late, but I wanted to dedicate this post to my dad.  I want to say HAPPY FATHER'S DAY and thank you daddy for always supporting me and believing in me.  My mom has been wanting me to move back to LA for some time now but my father wants me to be where I am most happy..which was TOKYO.  Now I've found the love of my life and we went to LA together to meet my parents back in February so that he could ask my father for permission to marry me.  They got along right away.  Tho my hubby could not speak much English and my father could not speak Japanese, they were able to communicate with each other during their smoking breaks. I guess they call that 'tobacommunication?' hehe My father is a very logicial & VERY INTELLIGENT man.  When anything goes wrong, he can fix it!!! hehe When I first moved to tokyo..the M key on my computer had popped off and I freaked out and called daddy.  I know..I'm spoiled... and really there is nothing that he could've done from half way around the world.. hehe I ended up going to Yamada Denki and got it fixed.   Anyhow daddy, Thank you SOOOOOO much for everything you've done for me, everything you've taught me, and for continuing to support me when I should be an independent adult.. =)  I LOVE YOU DADDY!!!!!! I'll see you very sooon!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo


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