
Saturday, June 4, 2011

HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY YOSUKE!!! 6.3.2011

this cake was DELICIOUS!!!

 it was an お酒 pounding fest from here..


 make a wish..

 yosuke's shirt......

 SO くんは the bestest friend yosuke can have ya? hehe

present from me & Ryota from BENCH AT THE GREENE

I don't even know where to begin to explain how awesome Yosuke is! He is a kind-hearted, supportive, honest, and amazing friend.  Soくん is also awesome for putting this get together together..however it did turn into an alcoholic pounding marathon.  Birthdays are quite dangerous in this crowd but so much fun and entertaining.  We love you Yosuke!! This post is dedicated to you!! いつもお世話になっております!これからよろしくお願いします!!!YOSUKEが大好き!!!!love you long time my friend.


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