
Monday, May 2, 2011


 We had an intimate dinner at Il Mulino in Roppongi...

to celebrate Maho & Asukaさん's marriage
they got married in Italy a month ago...
the food was AMAZING......

 soo cute..ラブラブ!


おめでとうMAHO & ASUKAさん!!

The Tatsunaka's ♡

kenny x trip

me & my♡

we all heart adam!
Maho and Asuka san CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding!!! I really wish that we could have gone to Italy and celebrated your wedding with you!!  Tonight's dinner was quite intimate and very very fancy...After a delicious full course dinner, we continued our evening in the lounge area where we all had a chance to relax, digest, chat, and eat the cake... hehe It's so nice to have these type of nights once in a while.  I guess we are all growing up!!! And I'm up next! hehe


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