
Monday, May 16, 2011

Elle Blogger - Sook ♥

I had dinner with Elle Blogger Sook last night.  I'll be participating in the 'Blogger Yahoo Auction Charity' supported by ELLE GIRL JAPAN, so I donated something from my closet..(shoe closet to be exact) hehe I have soooo many heels that I've barely worn so I hope that someone will enjoy what I've donated for the auction.   We went to Sign Cafe in Daikanyama which is where I work sometimes on TUESDAYS..I got to reminisce about how I got to where I am today and I realize that it's been quite a journey!! I started this blog on May 4, 2008....I can't believe 3 years have passed.  I've been in Japan for 5.5 years now........I didn't plan on staying this long but seems like I will be staying for a while now...I will be have a big announcement very soon. HEHE Thank you everyone for your support!!!!

Oh by the way..Sook has 2 blogs: Elle Girl & Ameblo .. Please check them out! She writes in English and Japanese! (but she is born Korean in Japan and even won Miss Korea!)

Anypoo happy reading! and Thank you Sook!!!♥♥♥

Sook's interview of me: SOOK ELLE & SOOK AMEBLO


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