
Thursday, February 10, 2011


I had an opportunity to see a private screening for JACKASS 3D the other day at Paramount. I'm not really a huge fan of JACKASS and used to change the channel from MTV every time it came on in the states... but after watching this I was impressed by how funny the movie actually was! I had a few good laughs and didn't feel like I had to throw up at all tho some parts were unbelievably gross.... The beginning was hilarious...LOL. I actually felt like I got to know each of the characters a little better too. I wouldn't say I've become a fan of Jackass but it's not bad to watch this movie at least once. Anyhow, it doesn't release in Japan until March 26th and will only be showing at selected theaters. To find out more info please check here: JACKASS 3D


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