
Thursday, January 6, 2011


I passed up hanging out with Robert Duffy & the Marc Jacobs gang last night to baby sit Milo. Tho I HEART Robert Duffy (the sweeetest boss in the world!!) I loove milo a little bit more..hehe wouldn't you!? He's the CUTEST thing in the entire world!!!!

easily entertained..
such a comedian..
oh milo... ( i changed his PJ's after this...)

after a long night of playing, Milo loves to clean...

GOOD BOY! under the sofa toooo!

He's sooo smart...he understands the IPAD more than me...

and after a while...

I've watched Milo grow up since he was 6 months..and it's amazing how much he has grown, and how smart he has gotten!!! He is quite a character and I loooooove him to bits! Milo turns 2 yrs old next week...and I can't wait until he turns 3 or 4...when he can speak more and start asking all the funny and pure questions that all kids do. Anypoo..this is just one step closer to my training to be a mom...not that I will be one anytime soon..hehe To another night of singing children's songs (indian version via IPAD) with milo. LOL.


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