
Sunday, October 3, 2010


"MYNORITY" is a word that was coined for individuals who follow their own beliefs, rather than those dictated by society and the status quo. People who choose to make their own path, as opposed to following the herd, are rare and will always be in the MYNORITY. MYNORITY CLASSICS is far from an ordinary women's' clothing line. Made in Japan, its products are bold and vibrant with a musically oriented style that brings out a woman's true creative strength. MYNORITY CLASSICS is soon to become the CLASSIC street wear for the street-smart MYNORITY....

Have you ever found clothes that you really liked, only to learn that they were only available in men's sizes? What about being super disappointed when your favorite men's clothing line starts a women's line, but suddenly they start featuring hearts, childish teddy bears and pastel colors? If you feel me, MYNORITY CLASSICS may be your last resort. MYNORITY CLASSICS is made by women, for women whose taste conflicts with the socially constructed image of how a "woman" should look and be. Let MYNORITY CLASSICS contribute to the fashion world today with a fresh style of our own.

MYNORITY CLASSICS Autumn/Winter 2010

The jump off of MYNORITY CLASSICS this autumn/winter 2010 consists of a wide variety of stunning, ALL-original shapes and designs: T-shirts, Cut sews, Knits, Hats, Skirts, Jerseys and various accessories made of actual vinyl records. All come in one size (Small) except for the co-ed hat (Medium/ Large) and vinyl wristband (Small /Large / X-Large).

MYNORITY=自分派。"MINORITY"(=少数派)ではなく、自分の意思で­行動する人達を表わした造語。群れで行動したくないのは貴方だけではない。"自分派"­が生み出す"定番"、つまりそれがMYNORITY CLASSICS!

女性本来のもつ華やかさと力強さを全面に出したスタイル...それがMYNORITY CLASSICS。

あなたは今までに、すごく気に入ったウェアを見つけたのにメンズサイズしか取り扱いが­無かった為にがっかりした事はありませんか? また、メンズですごく格好良くてお洒落なブランドがやっとレディースを始めてくれたの­に、「なんで急にハートやテディベアを使い始めるの!?」と残念に思った事はありませ­んか?
あらゆる方面で社会に作り上げられた"女性像"のイメージと葛藤がある女性の為にMY­NORITY CLASSICSは作られました。

MYNORITY CLASSICSの第一弾はロゴを全面に押し出したデザインがメイン。実用的かつ女性­の体に丁度良くフィットするシルエットと素材を重要視したオリジナルシェイプのT-シ­ャツ、カットソー、ニット、ジャージからレコードを加工した新感覚のアクセサリーまで­豊富に揃えている。


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