
Saturday, October 2, 2010


Yone was in Osaka today this year, so a few of us got together to have dinner with Yoko for her birthday. Yoko is Yone's lovely wife and manager. She's his backbone! I have to say, Girls Night is the best. We tend to talk about so many things that we don't think to talk about when boys are around. HEHE These are a few of the most important people in my life in Tokyo. I knew Yuki before I moved to Japan. I met Elly by fate and we lived together for 2 years. Now she is becoming a super star in Taiwan! So amazing. Yokoさん, I met with Yone when I started coming to Tokyo on the weekends from Ibaraki! Yes, I used to live in Ibaraki. We immediately clicked, and her and Yone basically took care of me since I moved to Tokyo. This is my family. Happy Birthday Yoko !!!! We ALL LOVE YOU!!!!!


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