
Thursday, May 13, 2010

what does YOUR fridge look like?!

YUM. I finally restocked my fridge. You would think I'd have some food in here..I did go thru a phase--- when I just moved into my new place...where I spent over 5000円 on groceries but then I went to NY and after I got back I never got back into it (cooking)...ACTUALLY, I do have some ice cream in the freezer does that count? I know I know..I'm so bad, I should learn how to cook or something and be a real adult. hehe I'm excited about my huge stock of RESTORE because it will help me recover from all my nights of partying..yes..NO MORE COLDS please! tee hee Which one are you craving for??

For more info on where you can find Glaceau Vitamin Water in Japan CLICK HERE.

my most favorite flavor is launching REALLY soon....CAN'T WAIT!!!


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