
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I heart my LA peeps.

Yes, this is my SISTER! She HATES photos but, I got her to take this!

mai x elly
i ♡ my roomie elly

my bestest friend naoko.
i dont know what i would do without her.

Jen Brown made time to see me toooooo!

on my birthday, lanny kim



stephen x vivian
they complete me.

renee x river
they educate me.

Kaoriさん and her posse! LAXで会えてびっくりした!

I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends.....Thank you to RAY for helping me with my birthday..and LINA for preventing me from running into the wall on my you guys!! I dont know when I will go back next, but I will say that this time, my trip, tho it was an entire week, felt tooo short! I barely had time to do anything! I did however find myself submerged into various uncomfortable situations and have learned from them. Now that I'm back in Tokyo, I can move on. Life is too short and TOO good to let stupid things bring you down.


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