
Saturday, November 21, 2009


waiting anxiously at nrt..

and when we arrive, i noticed trip taking perverted photos of me. thank u. lol

7am ish.. hawaii time..

the view from our super sweet apartment.

we got to the beach a little late today..but looking forward to the next few days..bright and early. surfing, swimming, jogging, laying out. yes, exactly what we both need before starting our new projects. next year is definately going to be a step up for both of us.

more photos from my trip: MAI TRANSIT

Thursday, November 19, 2009

PARTY REPORT. Chilling for Charity @ demode 7 11.19

omg this was the cutest place to hang out at!

because im on a carb diet, i only ate the meat. yay me!

marie organized this party to raise money for a charity that she is doing for cambodia. she plans to build a library. I'm so proud of her! She started off raising money with her photo exhibition 「やらなくてもいいこと」'one step and more'. doing charities are definately the way to go. just like ines did for her birthday, by accepting only canned goods for the homless instead of presents. if i can find a cause that i really believe in, i think i will start planning a charity too. this should be my goal for next year.

じゃねみんな!!!! i'm off to hawaiiiiiiiii!


Mathias for DIESEL DENIM GALLERY 'It's all about democracy' 11.19

my favorite!!!!

crazy right!?


I really enjoyed the paintings by Mathias today. I often wondered if he would ever get in trouble for doing such art, but I supposed it's the freedom of speech that allows this to be possible. I was really impressed at how real these paintings looked, and surprised that I even understood why they were so wrong...I recommend that everyone drop by the Diesel Denim Gallery in aoyama soon to see these pieces.
