Saturday, August 15, 2009
PARTY REPORT. TNH presents SHUT UP @ La Fabrique 8.15
I usually don't follow this party but because CHaki and 2 boy were DJ-ing I came out. The DJ line up was not bad and everyone was dancing their butts off on the dance floor. One sad thing is that 2 boy's DJ set got cut short by a certain someone who's DJ I like as well, but this just proves that 2 boy is TOO NICE! Don't let others jump in between your sets homie (even tho I do it sometimes..hehe)!!!! man, o-bon week is over huh? everyone back to work tomorrow?!
I'm so sorry I wasnt very motivated to take many photos tonight! I think the aftermath of the lymphnode massage was kicking in, i felt sooo cold the entire night and sleepy! Also, was downing warm orange juice tooo....On another note, some guy grabbed my ass tonight. I thought it was one of my friends but it was some really disgusting japanese guy who thought he was a smooth operator. um. NO THANKS. I felt gross after this so I went home. It's obon week, everyone should be taking it easy.....I'm on my way out now tho... if you are in town, drop by here:
Friday, August 14, 2009
PARTY REPORT. Creator's night @ the glaceau vitamin water pop up
This is apparently the new 'meishi!!!' you upload your info in this little usb thing, hi 5 it with another, then boom, infos exchange...kinda like the 'bump' application in iphones. technology these days...amazing!!! click here for more info :
Thursday, August 13, 2009
PARTY REPORT. Jean Nippon x Tycoon Toshi x Takagi Kan @ le baron
I've been taking it easy for the past few days because of that gnarly lymphnode massage. However, I feel so much better now and a bit healthier (could it just be psychological?). Anypoo, I'll be running around town tonight. do you think can you find me?