
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DOGGY HEAVEN!!!!! dognista x vitamin water @ the Glaceau Vitamin Water Pop Up

a d-fence was set up today....

Ohara Kaoriさん talks about her brand Otty, which is a clothing line for dogs.

Today's special event was for a dog club called 'dognista'.
so lets begin my experience in doggy heaven.....
omg---SOOO CUTE!!!


aww .. a really well-behaved german shepard.

choooooo kawaiiiiii!!!!


how cute is this!!!

every puppy was soo friendly with each other, it was amazing!

more denim...
sooooo CUTE!!!!

and they have these scrunchie things for the doggy's ears so that when they eat / drink, their ears dont get wet or dirty..not a bad idea right!?!?

sooo heart was melting...

this cutie had a diaper that said 'don't worry'. sooo cute!

they were soooo well behaved and knew how to pose for the camera!! i heard most of these puppies are famous!! tooooo cute!!! i love this photo of them sooo much!!!!!

so it turns out this german shepard is helping out a charity...and look how cute they are together!

chuk stops by for a visit.

the cutie in the back is only 2 yrs old!

friends forever!

soooo precious..

omg this one was sooo tiny!!!!
and soo soft.

this one reminded me of beverly hills chihuahua. sooo cute!

i couldnt stop taking photos...

this one was also tiny and had the cutest dress on!

best dressed i think. with the stripped denim.おしゃれ〜

she really liked dan, grabbed his hand.

kawaiiiii sugiru!!!

photoshooot time!

she brought herself to the front. it was sooo cute
thank you kaoriさん!!this event really made my day!

when i'm down, all i have to look at these puppies. i want one sooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!! this was the best day ever. ワンちゃんと一緒にいたら、ぜーたい、元気 になるよ。ワンちゃんちょう大好き!!!!!!!!!!!今日はやばかったです。幸せ。


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