
Monday, July 20, 2009

mai x incase present NAUSEA @ le baron TOMORROW! 7.22 wed.

HeLLO! The boys from INCASE are here again so we're going to have a party at Le Baron TOMORROW July 22nd (wed)!! There's no better place to spend your wednesday than at an electrotrash, discopunk, darkwave, dance party at our very best place to be right?! The creators of INCASE will be supporting this event by not only DJing but also offering 50 free INCASE IPHONE cases for the first 50 guests!! You MUST show your IPHONE at the entrance to get a case!! for more info about INCASE:


DREAMWEAPON (incase, sf)
DEEP L (incase, sf)

Damon Way AKA Dreamweapon
In the early 1990's Damon co-founded a handful of skate and snow related brands that included, Eightball Clothing, Droors Clothing, Dub Brand Weather Gear, and most notably, skate shoe giant, DC Shoes. In his most recent move he has joined Incase as a business partner, while carrying the position of Chief Brand Officer in the company. Outside of his professional life, he is an avid collector of records, which span many musical genres, all of which being focused on niche movements rather than the mainstream... an ethos of his punk rock and skateboarding roots, which he has carried with him since the 1980's. With music being one of his primary passions, he loves nothing more than to get behind the turn tables, under the guise of Dreamweapon, to share his musical findings and point of view.

Markus Diebel aka DEEP L
Markus founded and designed the first Techno disco in Germany ‘89 and designed many more night clubs and bars since. When he moved to San Francisco, he became design director of the biggest design consultancy, IDEO. 2 years ago he joined Incase as their VP of design. He organizes parties under the name TURBO with a main focus on minimal techno, electro and nu-disco.

BOY ALLERGY(ボーイ アレジー)

東京のアンダーグランドパーティシーンで出会ったガールズ四人組からなるクリエイティブチーム。今、東京のクラブシーンで最も注目されているガールズDJチーム。DJ活動を始め、自身がホストするパーティー、BOY ALLERGY NIGHTを毎週火曜日六本木のNew Lexで行っている。また、クロージングライン"BOY ALLERGY"を夏から始動、音楽活動も本格化し、年末にはオリジナルEPのリリースを控える。メンバーの顔触れもとても個性的で、メンバーのTigarahは、日本で唯一のバイレファンキミュージシャン。日本人で初めてユニバーサルミュージックとインターナショナル契約を結び、日本でのデビューアルバムは7月末にリリース予定。EEEIKO はロンドン滞在中にカイリーミノーグのPV出演(2HEARTS)を果たし、カイリー来日の際にSMAPxSMAP,MUSIC LOVERでバックバンドをした実績をもつ。JulieはPharell Wiliamsプロデゥースの某オーディションでファイナリストまで勝ち進む。歌う傍ら美術を勉強中。ハーフブラジリアンのKon-chanは、とにかくハイパーな彼女。彼女のスケボーはプロ並みである。個性豊かな四人組のハイパーガールが集まり生み出されたBOY ALLERGY、彼らの勢いは止まること知らず、夏には海外でのDJセットもひかえている。次から次へと何かが起こる彼らの行動には目がはなせない!


P.S. these are what the slider cases look like..


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