
Sunday, April 19, 2009

NOBI Bed & Breakfast Day 1

I took at trip with my sister to Nobi Beach to a really nice Bed & Breakfast place.
I recommend EVERYONE to come here!!!! more info later...

sister & i went to spend some time at the beach...

view from the top floor

yummy sandwich by Jude

kuga x mindy x satoshi x mayumi x jude

mr. g, the handy man

then yuki comes to join for a bit!

NOT pistachios. it's gino?!

hehe, the first to knock out. bbqs make you tired yeah?!

then yuki x mindy x i go for another walk on the beach to watch the sunset...

it was sooo NICE! i take back everything i said about the beach!
I LOVE IT!!! I wanna come here every weekend!!!


Sand Art by yuki

i heard if you put your name on one side and HIS on the other under this love umbrella, good things will come. we made a lot. tee hee...
LOL (yuki made this and blamed it on me, but i was thinking it a lot!)

these looked like marshmallows! but mindy said they looked more like Jacks
they can protect you from Tsunami attacks

so after this, we realized that we walked toooo FAR and got picked up to go back to the house. We took a bath in this AWESOME bathtub that faces the beach and then mindy passed out... but i couldnt say no to chicken koroke!!!



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